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  • Writer's pictureAishwik Ray


I light my matchstick for the bloodstains on the snow;

Yet trace my feet;

Mangy as this street.

Dreams of Freedom, I once sought,

branded me with an Abyssal void.

I see no stars in my Sky.

Dance o' Snow White,

Dance the Night away.

Flickering matchstick,

Flicker my Life away.

-Aishwik Ray

Bard's Note: The above written piece was inspired from " The Little Match Girl" or as it is known as in Danish "Den Lille Pige med Svovlstikkerne" . A poignant tale of a little girl's aspirations, it is one of the first fables that I read as a child that invoked a sense of discomfort in me owing to its rather dark conclusion. This, however led me to discover it's author, Hans Christian Anderson and his works. Interestingly,contrary to his works, Anderson can be considered as one of the world's greatest romantics but that's a story for another day.

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